Holiday Valley, NY update from Ohio Valley Ski Club

Mother Nature has not been her normal snowy self yet this winter, but never fear…she will eventually arrive! In the meantime Holiday Valley has been making snow at every available opportunity. Attached are photos showing the 10 to 15 foot mounds of manmade snow on …

Membership Notice

All memberships expired on September 30, 2011. You will no longer receive a printed newsletter if you have not already renewed your membership for the 2011-2012 year, please do so as soon as possible. Make out your checks to OVSC (Single -$25; Family – $30) and mail along …

Resort Night was a Success! Many Thanks!

We had a very successful Resort Night on November 7 and the biggest crowd in years. There were almost 90 people in attendance with us picking up some new members. The Silent Auction brought in over $500. Thanks to all who donated items and those …

Discounted Lift Tickets

Mark Gainer is again selling discounted lift tickets to Club Members. The tickets include all of WV Resorts including Canaan, Timberline, Snowshoe and Winterplace. These tickets go fast – so contact Mark as soon as possible. The snow will be flying soon.Don’t forget to get …

Welcome to the Ohio Valley Ski Club!

The Ohio Valley Ski Club was formed in the fall of 1974 as a non-profit organization to promote the sport of skiing and related outdoor activities in the Parkersburg and Marietta areas. The club is a member of the West Virginia Ski Council & The …