A Group of People Sanding on the Stairs Beside a Railing

April 2016 Presidents Letter

Hello Skiers and Boarders!

What a change one month can bring.  Last month I wrote to you from Steamboat Mountain in feet of snow.  Today we enjoyed a 70 degree Easter Holiday back in the Mid-Ohio Valley.  April also brings change to our ski club as the board we voted in last month begins their new term.  Thanks to those who volunteered their time to keep our club strong by participating on our board.  Below are the 2016 Officers, Board and Chairmen for the Ohio Valley Ski Club.

President:  Jim Bennett
1st Vice President: Mike Hinton
2nd Vice President: open
Secretary/Treasurer: Tom Whaling
Parliamentarian: Bill Quickel

Board Members 
Courtney Ahlborn
Harry Dietzler
Amy Gilbert
Gary Hardin
Don Harper
Susan Harper
Martha Hesson
Mark Miller
Becky Tanner

Past Vice President: Nancy Miller
Ohio Valley Ski Council Representatives: Mark and Nancy Miller
Membership Chair: Debbie Johnston
Western Trip Chair: Martha Hesson
Newsletter/Website: Nancy Miller

I truly enjoyed serving you as the 2015/2016 President and getting to know many of you much better.  Together as a group we have an incredible amount of experiences, knowledge, adventures and stories to share.  I look forward to another year making new memories with you.

Now it’s time to turn the reigns over to our new President, Jim Bennett.  Jim is not only a great skier and someone you’ll most likely find on every Western Trip, but he is also a great leader.  He will soon be retiring from his CEO position at Calhoun Banks in West Virginia, although he still may have a seat on their board.  In any case, we are very lucky to have him lead our crew for the next year.

Thanks again for all of the fun and here’s a note from Jim!

Nancy Miller,
Past Prez

Hello Skiers & Boarders,

The Western Trip to Steamboat Springs, CO was a great success.  There were approximately 30 people who went on the trip.  The weather was great, the snow was good and everyone appeared to be having a good time.  The only issue with the trip was with the airlines and flight delays.   I wish to personally thank Dave & Shelia Decker for all the time and effort they put into making the trip a success.

Martha Hesson and Tom Whaling will be running the Western Trip for 2107. They are seeking people’s ideas as to where we should go.  Please contact them if you have a particular Ski Resort you would like to suggest.  Since they are doing this trip, we need someone to run the Holiday Valley Trip for 2017.  If you are interested, please contact myself or Nancy Miller.

Elections were held at our March 8th meeting and new officers and directors were elected for 2016-2017.   For me, Nancy Miller will be a hard act to follow as President.  She & Mark do so many things for our club.   When you see her, give her a big THANK YOU for serving as President this past year.

Speaking of the election, we need someone to volunteer to be Second Vice President.    That position is vacant at the present time.

As good weather approaches, I invite your suggestions for club activities you would enjoy doing.   Hope to see you at our April 5th meeting.

Jim Bennett
